Raising Helpful Kids-10 Great Chores For Teens and Tweens

From tweens to teens, the rigors of daily schedules increase leaving less time at home to help with chores. While it is important not to overwhelm your teenager with too much, he or she should not be completely off the hook when it comes to helping out around the house. Following are 10 great chores for your tween or teen:
- 1. Watch younger siblings on occasion
- 2. Help out with the laundry (load the washer and dryer, fold clothes, put clothes away)
- 3. Take out the trash and organize the recycled goods
- 4. Cook a simple meal
- 5. Do yard work (mowing, weeding, etc.)
- 6. Make their bed and straighten their room
- 7. Handle the after dinner clean up (rinse dishes and load them in the dishwasher)
- 8. Vacuum
- 9. Clean the windows
- 10. Sweep the driveway, garage, deck or patio
A tween or teen that can handle chores at home will be better equipped to handle a job when the time comes. Tasks that he or she is responsible for at this age will prepare him or her for life on their own. Everyone in the family should have the responsibility of helping on the home front daily. Engage your kids to help run the household so everyone in the family reaps the benefits.
For additional ideas, check out our Age Appropriate Chores for Kids
by Hilary Basile